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What is Kisses for Katie?

What is Kisses for Katie?
Kisses for Katie Foundation is a Not-For-Profit, Tax-Exempt Organization under IRC Sect 501(c)3, whose purpose is to raise the necessary funds for EB patients' care, and to educate the public on the genetic disorder Epidermolysis Bullosa or EB.

Who is Katie?
Katie Paratore is a beautiful gift of a little girl. She was born on November 4, 1998 to Jim and Sandy Paratore. Immediately after she was born, the proud parents noticed that Katie did not have any skin covering the tops of her feet. As a precautionary measure, Katie was placed in ICU until carious doctors and specialists could be called in to assess and diagnose Katie's condition. The final diagnosis was Epidermolysis Bullosa, or EB.

How did the organization start?
Jim and Sandy have always been two of the most generous people you could ever meet. Giving help to a friend in need or a family member was never uncommon. When word about Epidermolysis Bullosa and it's serious consequences spread among the people they often helped. It became obvious that they wanted to give something back to those affected in the EB community as a tribute and in appreciation for all that Jim and Sandy have done.This is how Kisses for Katie Foundation was founded. Bit by bit, by phone and e-mail the organization began to come together with the realization that by assisting others involved with EB, Katie and those touched by EB also benefit.

Katie and her parents have become the spokespeople for the K4K Foundation. They willingly donate their time and efforts to promote the mission goals and objectives of the organization.

Jim and Sandy have discovered that many EB patients have a need for medical information as well as dealing with insurance-related problems and medical bills. It became natural for them to use their knowledge and love to help others with similar situations and those less fortunate EB patients.

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